Publishing Journey #98-100

New pieces of writing by me published by other people!

Please go check all of those out!

This is the last installment of Ethan McGuire’s A Publishing Journey that I will release, since this records my 100th published piece of writing. I started this series here at The Flummoxed to record all of my publications, from 1 to 100 (from early 2009 to early 2024, but not very active until late 2019), and as an example of one writer’s publication journey. It only counted pieces of my writing that other people published, nothing that I self-published on my own websites. I will continue using The Flummoxed website, though, to self-publish writing, and occasionally to add additional writing to something someone else has published, as I have previously done in such cases as “Eulogies for Fathers and Poets” or “In Defense of the Real Adam Sandler.”

To continue following my publishing journey, I will continue to keep my “Ethan’s Bio” page updated with all my latest publications, and I also promote just about everything I publish over on my Twitter/X account, @AHeavyMetalPen.

Thank you for following this one writer’s writing journey!

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